In the upcoming Bond adventure, SKYFALL, due November 1, co-star Ralph Fiennes has revealed a small detail about his character.
I'm allowed to say that I'm a government agent.
Oh, wait, there's more! An insider at EON Productions has revealed a juicy story detail that Fiennes is set to replace Judi Dench as the new M. SKYFALL will sees Dench appears in her last iconic appearance as M. Here's the statement below.
Ralph Fiennes play's a government agent, which we never get a name on, because he is set to play the new M.
Skyfall centers around M (Judi Dench) where her past forces her to leave as head of MI6, and find a new M. The board of MI6 then turns to a government agent (Ralph Fiennes) to take over. M (Dame Judi) is now forced to train the new head of MI6.
Skyfall centers around M (Judi Dench) where her past forces her to leave as head of MI6, and find a new M. The board of MI6 then turns to a government agent (Ralph Fiennes) to take over. M (Dame Judi) is now forced to train the new head of MI6.
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